Hello Art Bead Peeps!
I feel like it has been far too long since I did one of my Art Bead Evolutions posts. Probably because it HAS been too long! I missed doing one for Art Journey #1 because I was, well busy being present to my family. Not the worst reason to miss a post. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t making something! I have since recently finished the Art Journey #1. Would you like to see it?
I thought you would! Let me take you on a little detour through Art Journey #1 before we head out.

I wanted to capture the essence of the illustrated moths in Heather Powers’ beautiful art. I started by investigating origami. I like the angular lines and geometric shapes. That lead me to paper piercing, which is a quilter’s technique, and thought that the combination of the two of these ideas would work for this challenge. I used the actual paper piercing patterns for three types of moths and then scribed the lines into the clay, much like you would score the paper for folding origami. Finally, I used bright snappy colors to bring these moths to life.

I call these “Drawn to the Light” since that is what moths are known for and because these feel bright and peppy reminding me that spring is indeed coming despite the dreary days around here.
Let’s get back on the main road, shall we?
For the Art Journey #2 I was as smitten as the rest of our editors by the charming world of Virginia Frances Sterret. There is such a strong graphic quality to each of her illustrations, with a heavy dose of dreaminess and a romantic sensibility. My goal for this is to make something to represent each of the three illustrations. But seeing as I didn’t get around to starting on this until last night, I only managed to realize two of the three, but I will work on that one with the deer, because that is the one that started it all for me!
Diving deep into “Proserpina and the Nymphs” there is so much that I could have chosen. I really wanted to somehow bring in that bright coral into my design, but every time I tried I ended up feeling too busy. I made a sort of window out of paper to isolate areas in the illustration to see what I connected most with. That is when I noticed that little starfish just swimming along. I almost missed it, with the strong coral branches and the pretty ladies lounging. It looks to me like that little guy is actually dancing over to her beckoning arm ready to give her a hug!

The story of the journey that Blondine takes on her epic quest into the deep dark forest on the back of a very slow-moving and well-meaning turtle was so intriguing to me. I can’t help but think there is no way that I would have the patience to withstand a journey like that. I would be too impatient! For this illustration I focused on the scales on the turtles legs and the shapes on the shell. I made a double-sided polymer clay pendant with both scales and shell patterns.

I am still on this journey with Virginia Frances Sterret + our heroine Blondine as I try to come up with something special for the third illustration. These are all on their way to my very kind and patient Simple Truths Sampler Club members for their monthly installments, along with one other special something that I created as a limited edition for the Bead Cruise that just set sail in mid-February. I was so jealous that I couldn’t be there, but I hope that my Beach Balls had a good time!

I hope you enjoyed taking this creative journey with me. Just when I thought I wasn’t doing much of anything I see that I have done quite a lot!
We really do love seeing what you create from the inspirations! Show us what you’ve got in the Gallery! (P.S. I am working on the prize for the a random winner of Art Journey #2 that will feature beads that will work with Art Journey #3!)
Enjoy the day!
Loralee Kolton
March 15, 2019 at 3:29 pmWonderful, Erin! I adore looking at works in progress and seeing the process! The moths are great ` I love the eye you added to some! Cool!!
Loralee Kolton
March 15, 2019 at 3:31 pmand those fab beachballs, girl!
Sarajo Wentling
March 15, 2019 at 7:22 pmSuch gorgeous creations as always, Erin! I can’t wait to see what flies my way! I do hope you’ll keep playing with the third illustration and share with us.
Terri Del Signore
March 15, 2019 at 9:32 pmThe origami concept facinates me!! Those beachballs are amazing!! I am dreaming of the beach now!!