Hello my lovelies!
Wherever you are in the world, please know that we are thinking of you and hoping that you are staying safe. Limiting your socializing with physical distancing is a tough thing, but we know that all of you are up to the challenge! And if you are safe at home, we hope that you are feeding your soul with creative activities, for the act of creating gives us life and lifts us up. I think that a lot of how we deal with things that happen – good, bad and otherwise – is all about our attitude. I know that can’t keep you from getting sick, but it can help you deal with any anxiety, or fear or stress that you may be feeling during such uncertain times. I think we can all benefit from a reframe.

I quite like the ring of “artist-in-residence” don’t you?
Be prepared, not panicked. Keep calm and stay creative. And wash your hands!
I recognize that our recap and new challenge posts are a bit late. I blame that on having to work from home and the challenges that brings. So here is a recap of the beautiful things that were created for Art Journey #2. You all outdid yourselves! So much so that I had to make FOUR collages! Wasn’t Zaretsky’s work super inspiring?!

And if you entered beads or jewelry to our Art Journey #2 album on Facebook (Remember: Go to our Art Bead Scene Lounge Facebook Group to submit your creations for this Art Journey HERE. Remember, you can enter as often as you like… the only rule is that you have to use at least one art bead or component.) you were added to the list for a random drawing….and the winner is…………..
Tara Leitermann!
Anne Potter is the main sponsor for this Art Journey #2 prize. The idea is that winners will get a prize that might help them be creative for the NEXT Art Journey. If you haven’t checked out Anne’s passion project Travelogue, her absolutely wonderful virtual beading magazine, check it out here: https://handmadebyannepotter.wordpress.com/ or buy it on Etsy.)True to Anne’s wonderful sense of panache is a curated assortment of beads and items from her worldly stash that are simply perfect starters for our Art Journey #3 challenge (reveal tomorrow!). In addition, Erin Prais-Hintz of Tesori Trovati remembered that she had something to share with the winner that were also inspired by the upcoming art! So this prize package is a two-for!
Congratulations, Miss Tara! Please email your mailing address to [email protected] and we will send your prizes right out!