Designed by Rosanne at Beaded Phoenix.
From Roseanne’s website:
“I designed the BEAD & STRING REFERENCE CHART & TIPS BROCHURE because I had my own personal need for this type of product. I needed something I could look at easily, so I could get vital information fast and hands free while designing jewelry, or teaching a bead class. As soon as students and fellow bead artists saw this product, they wanted one for their own use. I love to help folks learn beadwork, and this product is a result of that.”
Rosanne Andreas-Author of “Beaded Phoenix Bead & String Reference Chart Poster Set.NO MORE GUESSING AT:
What size beads should I buy?
What kind of stringing material should I buy?
What kind of needles should I use?
How many beads will I need?
What size do I create the piece?
Is that a treated Gemstone?ALL THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE WILL BE ANSWERED ONCE YOU OWN “BEADED PHOENIX BEAD & STRING REFERENCE CHART POSTER SET”.Take the mystery out of understanding beading supplies. Spend less time wondering what you need, and more time in producing a quality piece of bead work.*Poster is shown in Black&White but comes in color.
February 19, 2009 at 9:25 pmI like this poster would be nice for posting right above the work space… for shopping i ripped out the ref pages in a fire mountain gem catolog and carry that in my purse…
Evie's Tool Emporium
February 19, 2009 at 10:36 pmThis looks like a really useful tool! I will let all my friends know!
Suzann Wilson
February 20, 2009 at 1:14 pmI actually have this hanging in my office. I like it beacause I can figure out the size of beads when I need to write out instructions or order more of a particular bead. Very useful indeed!
-Suzann Wilson
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