I believe this quote to be very true, especially in my art. I find the more challenges I work through, the more I grow as an artist. This months journey is a perfect example. Quilting of Gee’s Bend was not overly inspiring for me so I dug deep this round and came up with some beads. Here is one set I am particularily thrilled about, that I never would have made, had it not been for this challenge. As I was digging deep, I noticed that inside one of the quilts was a pretty strip that caught my eye and inspired fauceted quilt beads. This Challenge most certainly reaped reward for me!!

Here are a few more beads I came up with in relation to this art journey

Since is my turn to provide the prize for this months art journey challenge and…..since I am talking about rewards today….I also have a carrot to dangle in front of your nose as a reward;) Here is the prize for this months challenge. You still have till May 8th (that’s just over a week) to get something submitted. I challenge you! You just never know the possibly of the reward that could come of joining the challenge! Plus you will be entered in a draw to win this prize pack.
There are 4 earring sets that can be used as inspiration for the up and coming art challenge (plus one of my new quilt beads from this journey) Here are a few pics showing where I got inspiration from for the earring components for next
Hollow porcelain earring charms inspired by the shape to the left of them. Above is a set of flower earring charms inspired by the flower in her hair. The colors did not turn out quite the way I intended for these sets …the color is called violet but when you work with kiln temps around 2300 degrees, colors can change:)
To the left, are hollow red porcelain head pins inspired by the dangles on her necklace. to the right are porcelain earring charms inspired by what is peaking out from the arms of her chair.
If you have not already, I hope you will join us in this journey! I challenge you!