
Featured Designer of the Week

Each week the Art Bead Scene features a Designer of the Week. 
One of our editors picks her favorite from the Monthly Challenge entries.
This week’s featured designer is Jewels By Ine.
Here is what ABS editor Erin Siegel had to say about her design:
“This is the perfect bracelet to wear on a sea-faring adventure! I adore the colors and the elements are thoughtfully chosen to convey the nautical feeling. Love it!”

Please visit Ine’s jewelry blog where you can read her own thoughts about her bracelet.

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3 Comment

  1. Cilla
    August 28, 2012 at 1:19 am

    Very nice! Love the colors I see the nautical theme~!

  2. A Half-Baked Notion
    August 28, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    Thanks for featuring this bright and cheerful bracelet, Erin.

    Love the "discover" ring, Ine. Who hasn't dreamed of sailing away on a unknown course for adventure?

    It is wonderful to see international participants in the Challenge. Ine lives in Belgium and has a bilingual blog (nice for anyone wanting to learn a little Dutch!) She writes about a wide variety of topics and has great pictures.

  3. JeannieK
    August 30, 2012 at 3:16 pm

    This is delightful. High FIve!

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