Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome to my next installment of art bead inspiration for our newest Art Journey that is all about the gorgeous artwork of William Morris. I have zero background in art or art history, so I learn something new with each Journey… I had no idea that Morris’s designs were printed on color at a time by hand. What amazing precision!
For my bead picks I focused mainly on pieces that actually incorporate one of William Morris’s designs in some way. I snuck in a couple of things that felt like his designs or referenced something from one of the two patterns that Erin chose for us.
Here’s my standard caveat: This isn’t in any way meant to be exhaustive or a shopping list… I realize that some of these makers are outside of the U.S. and that it’s always possible that not all my picks will still be available by the time you see this post. That being said, I’m providing a link to each artist’s shop in the photo captions for you.
I was so excited to find a couple of different makers who offered copper elements with William Morris patterns etched into them. I also discovered a couple of different ceramic options featuring different Morris designs. You certainly don’t have to use something with an actual Morris print or pattern… be inspired by the colors of a design or a motif from one of them like the birds from Trellis.

I also wanted to put in a couple of plugs for a couple of ongoing and/or upcoming Facebook sales that are right in the sweet spot for this Art Journey!
Our own Heather Powers has been making some amazing new components with William Morris designs on her faux tin. (This is what she’s teaching at her fall Inspired by Nature Retreat and I can’t wait to play with these ideas!) Luckily, you can also buy the finished components directly from Heather in her Humblebeads VIP Party group on Facebook. Not a member yet? Check it out HERE. I have it on good authority that she’ll be listing more soon and taking a new round of made to orders.

Anna Pierson of Saga Hus also has been listing a variety of William Morris faux tin peices over in her Facebook Group, SagaHus Components. She’s great about doing made to order pieces as well. You can check it out HERE by requesting to join.

As always, I had fun digging through my own personal bead stash for some design possibilities. I was lucky to have snagged some special pendants from a Humblebeads Facebook sale a while back. These pieces have designs under glass that have been soldiered around the edges and may have been made by Mr. Humblebeads, aka Jessie… I honestly don’t remember now. There’s also a polymer clay pendant by Heather Powers whose pattern reminds me of a Morris print.
I recently bought some of Anna Pierson’s faux tin pieces featuring Morris’s designs including two sets of half circles in the Tulip and Blue Willow pattern… I feel like it’s a total no-brainer that I should make some earrings with those for this Art Journey! I also grabbed ceramic pieces by Round Rabbit (gosh I really miss her ceramics days!!) and Golem Design Studio that felt Morris-esque.

I’m not holding my breath that I’m going to get around to working with these, but I thought I’d share some of the faux tin pieces that I started in Heather Powers Inspired by Nature Retreat a few years ago. These were from the very first time she taught her faux tin class and we had some great William Morris images to work with. One day I’m totally going to make something cool with these!

Thanks for stopping by to get some art bead inspiration! Here’s to happy creating as we head through Art Journey Six! I hope that I’ve given you some ideas to get you going… Click HERE to submit your creations for this Art Journey. Remember, you can enter as often as you like… the only rule is that you have to use at least one art bead or component.