
September Monthly Blog Tour

 Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. 
~Gerard de Nerval

I stumbled upon this painting when I was asked to select some for future months. I was struck by the whimsy of Arcimboldo’s style and the vision and forethought he must have had to not only nail each petal of each separate flower, but also to form them in such a way that your eye is fooled into looking at a real person. That is sheer brilliance! I think the hardest part was deciding which of Arcimboldo’s paintings to feature as each one is more glorious than the last!

I am truly blown away by the magnificence of your floral offerings this month. Arcimboldo would be proud.


Ghie of Trinket Tales  (above) brings us this most ingenious cuff bracelet. Her polymer clay work is just outstanding. I love the layered techniques and the mix of materials and especially the rich colors.

Angela Lund-Logan made a beautiful necklace using sumptuous satin ribbon and a special rose pendant. I really want to reach out and touch the soft ribbon and I love the bail that she made to hang the pendant. Very clever!

Versatile jewelry is my favorite thing. I love everything about this multi-faceted piece of jewelry from Cece Cormier of The Beading Yogini. The intricate weaving of beads and fibers, the cascade of flowers, the fact that this can be either a bracelet or a necklace. Perfect!

More sculpted polymer clay, from Kimi of Kimi’s Jewelry & Gifts (above) this time. The hand made beads on the side with the fully dimensional and true to life flowers are just stunning. Kimi was so inspired that she didn’t feel the need to sketch her design but just launched right in. That is inspired!

The feeling of fall is evident in the handmade leaves and beads from Vera of Designed by Vera. The colors remind me of walks in the woods and getting cozy by the fire. I can see this long swingy necklace with a pretty sweater dress and tall boots, how about you?

Wow. The colors in this necklace from Melissa Trudinger of Bead Recipes  (above) are so lush, so rich. I can see wearing this on a walk in the woods as I take in the fall bounty. This is just a lovely modern interpretation of the painting.

Our friend from Finland, Miss Kirsi, created a necklace that calls to mind the golden tones that envelope everything when the sun rises in the fall. The way the light passes through those sugar lampworked beads reminds me of the way that everything is ringed in a warm glow at this time of year. 

I love it when our challenges inspire you to make something yourself. Creative Atelier did just that with this special pendant. I thought that it was a real flower under resin… but no! She painted this orange lily and then sealed it. The happy accident came when the sealer left cracks in the paint, so that it really looked like it leapt off the painting from 400 years ago!

Wrist corsages may not be that popular anymore (but note to M.E., I wore them, too, and we are NOT old!) but I could see that they could be brought back with this stunning lacy bouquet of posies. Bee Tree by M.E. was inspired by the bit of lace in her stash to create this incredible bracelet. And yes, I think you should wear this out to a special occasion, and if you don’t have one, then invent one! 😉


Just a quick note…. there were so many others that I would have loved to feature in our monthly blog tour. But there were no blog posts to go along with the pretty pictures. If you would like your piece considered for this monthly tour, please be sure to post the exact link to your blog post in your description. Keep the energy and enthusiasm flowing! And please go and check out the Flickr stream for even more incredible entries for this month!

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5 Comment

  1. Alessandra
    September 28, 2012 at 9:36 am

    really love the one from Melissa!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  2. kim Idalski
    September 28, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    Thanks so much for including me in thos months tour. I checked out and commented on all entrys. They were all amazing. This was a beautiful inspiration challenge. Happy creating everyone. stop by my blogentry for a discount. Hugs. http://Www.kimisjewelryandgifts.blogspot.com .

  3. Tracy
    September 30, 2012 at 1:20 am

    My piece seemed to get missed this month, so here's the link to my blog post: http://tracystillmandesigns.com/2012/09/21/art-bead-scene-challenge-september-2012/

  4. Ghie
    October 1, 2012 at 7:49 am

    Thank you for including my work here. This month's painting was really awe- inspiring and all the entries were very impressive! I salute everyone for a job well done! =)

  5. Designed by Vera
    October 3, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    Thanks for including me in the tour and for winning this month. It is truly an honor!

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