Wow! Where has 2019 gone? I can’t believe it’s already time for our ninth and last Art Journey of the year! I’m a week later than usual with my post since I had some Thanksgiving travel followed by a hectic couple of weeks of holiday shows. I’m happy to finally be able to take at least a short breather and get refocused!
The snow filled inspiration for this last Art Journey of 2019 feels particularly appropriate for this Minnesota-dwelling girl since many days lately I feel like I’m living in a snow globe! There’s a lot of great inspiration to be had here… snowy and otherwise.
Before we dive into the beads, here’s my standard caveat: This isn’t in any way meant to be exhaustive or a shopping list… I realize that some of these makers are outside of the U.S. and that it’s always possible that not all my picks will still be available by the time you see this post. That being said, I’m providing a link to each artist’s shop in the photo captions for you.
Birds and Fruit in Snow
For this first piece of artwork, I focused mostly on the birds. I’m a huge fan of the birdie friends who come to our house and pluck the fruit off of our crab apple trees… the cedar waxwings being my favorites. I did find a couple of nice things to represent the snow covered fruit and leaves as well.

Evening Snow at Asakusa
What is most striking to me about this second inspiration piece is that vibrant swath of blue! Several of my art bead picks pull from that coloring. Another great feature is the mix of fabrics on the figure’s kimono… I think you could have some real fun playing off of that!

Snow at Zojoji Temple
My picks for this last piece of artwork are pretty much all snow related. Although Donna Millard’s lampwork reminds me of the umbrella in the inspiration. There were so many great snowflake beads and charms out there… it was tough to narrow it down!

I’ve actually managed to pull together a selection of art beads from my stash to share with you all. I’m still not sure what I’m going to make for this challenge, but I’ve got some great options to play with this time!

Thanks for stopping by to get some art bead inspiration! Here’s to happy creating as we head through Art Journey Nine and toward the end of the year! I hope that I’ve given you some ideas to get you going… Click HERE to submit your creations for this Art Journey. Remember, you can enter as often as you like… the only rule is that you have to use at least one art bead or component.
Sarajo Wentling, Your Monday Muse