Title: Red Water Lily of Southern India By: Marianne North Date: 1878 Medium: Watercolor What is the Monthly Challenge? Every month we challenge our readers to create jewelry inspired by the…
There is a deep satisfaction when you realize that if you don’t have the perfect art bead for your creation that you can just come up with one on your own…
Fall has finally come officially and I am feeling like Margaret in Gerald Manly Hopkins poem. I am "grieving the unleaving," the loss of summer, the bright greens, blues, reds and…
Insects Eugene Seguy Published in 1920 Pochoir Print Image Credit: Special Collections Research Center at NCSU Libraries This colorful and graphic inspiration by designer Eugene Seguy will be fun to…
Today on Bead Table Wednesday I shared some tips for painting metal findings and creating cluster necklaces like the one above. You can watch the video below: Resources from today’s video:…
I am one of those people that can’t leave summer behind, I always find myself at this time of year just when the children go back to school wishing the warm…
So last week I buzzed down to Milwaukee to commune with my bead peeps, so instead of a post about what I am making for the challenge, I thought I would…
Earthy Spring Vibes: By Ashley Bonney-Summer Wind I have been playing around a lot lately with mixing different elements in my jewelry. When I was designing this piece, I wanted to…
There is something so hopeful about a bird’s nest. The urge to nest is common to many different animals, from squirrels, mice, pigs, birds – even fish! – and of course, humans.…
I just love when I get the opportunity to wander through a thrift store! I have certain areas I love to check out! (And of course the jewelry section is on…