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Sonia Delaunay


Etsy Picks with the ABS Team

If all goes to plan, you’ll be seeing a few changes and new developments on the blog in the coming months. There has been lots of talk behind the scenes: new features, schemes and plans.  The team are keen to get more involved with the monthly challenges. To this end, we’ll be including an Etsy Picks which focuses on beads made by the team (so it will also stray off Etsy to include those team members who sell on independent websites). Hopefully, in time, we bead makers will do more to work with the challenge images in our own work. Until then, here’s a selection that picks a little something from each of the team member’s shops, all suited to use for this month’s challenge.

Let’s start with this fabulous clasp from Mary. I’m seriously coveting these clasp, and this one has that all important zigzag.

Okay – I couldn’t decide between the clasp and this pendant – just the right colours and also more zigzags in those petals!
This focal from Michelle’s shop shares similar qualities.
I think this triangular button from Tari’s shop is perfectly suited. It would be a great clasp!
Looking for beads that match the palette of the challenge image?

Tesori Trovati (That’s Erin!)
And don’t forget those neutrals!
And if you don’t have zigzags on any of your art beads, you could always reach for some spikes.
Finally, not only does this focal from Heather M. come close to the palette of the challenge, there’s something in its sentiment – at a bit of a push! – that meets the aesthetics behind it!
Bye for now, Claire
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    Etsy Picks

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